There?s always something special about being the first. Take the first man on the moon, for example. The first person to climb mount Everest. The first person who looked at a potato in the ground and said: I have to put THAT in my mouth. We may not know who the person was, but we are thankful, because if it wasn?t for them, then centuries later, we would never have had the idea of making crispy flat-cut potato chips, ever. Now, we understand that while a lot of us enjoy the saltiness, most of us love a hint of spices as well. And that?s why we never hold back when we?re adding flavours. That way you never hold back from buying Bingo! Original Style. To be honest, that?s kind of the whole point, isn?t it? We have come a long way since we cracked the original idea and today snacking on lip-smacking potato chips has almost become a reflex. Whether you?re bored in a meeting, watching your screens buffer or waiting for your games to load. They are just not complete without a bag of chips by your side.So, we created a snack for you to preserve and savour these moments with. Bingo! Original Style Salt sprinkled chips, made from potatoes. The potatoes are, handpicked & sliced, nice and thin to sit well on your tongue, then the slices are cooked to provide you with the right amount of crunchiness to ensure a burst of flavor in your mouth, finally they are perfectly salted in a way that will remind of you of that time you sat in the sea and enjoyed watching the sunset. Made from golden quality potatoes, the chips are light and are bursting with flavours which give you that same delectable taste in every single bite.Bingo! Original Style comes in Salt Sprinkled and Chili Sprinkled Crispy Potato Chips made out of best quality Potatoes The perfect blend of flavours to take your taste buds on an exotic trip. Your Fun-time snacking and hangout partner Brand of India, Pride of India Light & Tasty, thinly sliced Potato Chips sprinkled with secret flavours
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