Refresh & Rejuvenate: with the mild nutty flavour of seeds and the unmistakable punch of strawberries and cranberries. It promises nothing but a delicious crunch mild burst of fruits!
Nutrition And Lot More: Rich in antioxidants- Almonds, Dark Chocolate serves as a mood elevator and aid stress management, Oats that deliver Fibre and quinoa provides sustained energy with Low GI. A product with clean and natural ingredients and no preservatives and the benefits of flax seeds that are a good source of Omerag-3 fatty acids and pumpkin seeds that improves heart health
Your Go-to Snack: A pack full of goodness for all your sweet cravings. No more guilt for your midnight binge or when you have a craving for something sweet. This little pack can get you through all those tiring commutes or even those quick exercise sessions. We have got you covered.
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